Thursday, 28 October, 2010
Eucon is expanding its PartsPool®3 product management tool to include the U.S. market. On Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010 Eucon will host its first ever PartsPool®3 meeting for Tier One product and pricing managers in the United States.
Tracking some 54 million articles numbers and nearly 2 billion pricing data, PartsPool®3 is the leading Internet-based information system for comprehensive international price and product data for vehicle parts. It has over 650 users in more than 190 companies.
PartsPool®3 provides comparable data on recommended list prices of vehicle manufacturer and aftermarket parts across the most important European and North American markets, with huge flexibility in operation and service. It is available to clients at different levels with a range of specialist tools and modules to suit every client requirement.
For further information about how PartsPool®3 can make a difference in your North American company please contact:
Eucon of North America, LLC
David Shanahan
1230 Peachtree Street, Suite 1900
Atlanta, GA 30309 USA
Tel. +1 404 942 2693
Fax +1 404 942 2691
Written by Eucon GmbH